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Item #: INDSPE-G003
Title: Engineering Body of Knowledge – Tomorrow’s Engineer
Provider: Indiana Society of Professional Engineers
Author: Stu Walesh, P.E.
Author Stu Walesh, P.E.

Stuart G. Walesh, Ph.D., P.E.,is an independent consultant providing management, education/training, and marketing services to engineering organizations. Prior to beginning his consultancy, he worked in the public, private, and academic sectors. Stu speaks and writes about engineering education and practice. His most recent book isEngineering Your Future: The Professional Practice of Engineering.Over a past decade, Stu has been active in the effort to reform the education and early experience of engineers.

Price: 30.00
Credit Hrs: 1.00
Level: 1 - Fundamental
Rating: (16 Reviews)


In late 2013, NSPE released the aspirational Engineering Body of Knowledge (EBOK). This first
ever U.S. pan-engineering body of knowledge is defined as the depth and breadth
of knowledge, skills, and attitudes appropriate to enter practice as a
professional engineer, that is, licensed. The paper describes the reasons for
developing the EBOK and then focuses on its essence which is a set of 30
capabilities. The capabilities are organized into three categories, namely,
Basic or Foundational, Technical, and Professional Practice. The
forward-looking EBOK is intended to serve engineers and engineering

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Learning Objectives

1. Describe the Engineering Body of Knowledge (EBOK) and the process used to develop it.
2. Suggest ways that you and your organization can use the EBOK.

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